Exposición Samples

from The Time(s) to Listen


Samples is a teaser, a small part of the exhibition The Time(s) to Listen, a collection of five testimonial digital textiles. The pieces, invite us to connect with four textile collectives made up of women who have suffered the experiences of the war in Colombia, along with their feelings and testimonies regarding the question; what shapes can reconciliation take?It is an opportunity to discover whispers , textures, colors and nuances that interweave textile and digital languages, to understand the ways in which the women imagine the paths and actions required to make peace possible in a country that is still at war. It is an invitation to prepare the body for listening, to measure the times that this demands and to reflect upon the power it has.The Time(s) to Listen was brought to life by the union between a transdisciplinary research team from Bogotá and Medellín, and the women’s collectives of Sonsón, Quibdó, Bojayá and Mampuján, who have for years embroidered, woven or sewn their memories about the damage caused by the armed conflict and imagined ways to mend life. The hand-crafted textiles and digital explorations came together to bring life to this exhibition, which in turn seeks to amplify the women’s stories and thereby invite us to be touched by what they share and teach.Samples will be shown at the FE Lobby gallery space in Aalto University from the 31st of March until the 5th of April. The exhibition was possible thanks to the collaboration between Andrea Botero, a professor from the School of Arts, Design and Architecture at Aalto University, and Eliana Sanchez-Aldana and Jaime Patarroyo, both professors from the School of Architecture and Design at Universidad de Los Andes.







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