Archaeological Remote Sensing: Digital survey and spatial analysis of pre-Hispanic settlements in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia
Eduardo Mazuera y Andrés Burbano ValdésErik Vergel-Tovar
Profesor de PlantaMapping the transit network of greater Cartagena with mobile phones
Coverage, accessibility, and informalityRegiónMovilidadComunicación
Vergel-Tovar, C. E., Leape, J., Villegas Carrasquilla, M., Peñas Arana, M. C., Toro Gonzalez, D., Canon Rubiano, L., Salas Barón, E., & Martinez, P. (2022). Mapping the transit network of greater Cartagena with mobile phones: Coverage, accessibility, and informality. In Journal of Transport Geography (Vol. 105, p. 103484). Elsevier BV.