Charla informativa curso intersemestral Urban Edible Futures

Conéctate este 10 de mayo a la charla informativa del curso intersemestral en inglés Urban Edible Futures_Non Fictional Cities 2, dictado por los profesores Daniela Atencio y Claudio Rossi.

Food security is of growing concern globally. While much of the focus is on agricultural and logistic industries, professionals in the built environment must understand how their own work affects food security issues and how design can contribute to enhancing food security locally. By engaging in collaborations between top institution around the world (such as The University of Melbourne,  Belas Artes-Sao Paulo, University of Science and Technology SUSTech-Shenzhen), this subject will allow students to gain local perspectives on the challenge.

Students will learn that global problems often require very local solutions that can be informed by applicable lessons in other locals. In particular, students will develop a depth of knowledge regarding food security and the implications for the built environment, develop their abilities to explain the theoretical foundations of this issue and will select and apply appropriate methodologies when designing for food security. These learnings are useful for design more broadly.

This will be a multidisciplinary elective, in which students will work with experts (such as Sir Peter Cook-ARCHIGRAM, Caroline Bos-UNSTUDIO, CJ Lim-UCL) from disciplines collaboratively to learn about different approaches to address the similar issues across the globe. The goal of this subject is to develop each student’s ability to listen and learn from peers while drawing on the global body of research; additionally, the subject will be an opportunity to establish future collaborations and research activities.

Descubre más información del curso —que inicia el 24 de junio y termina el 12 de julio— aquí. Los requisitos para inscribirlo son tener un buen nivel de inglés y haber cursado y aprobado Pensamiento Computacional (abierto a egresados con los mismos requisitos).


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