Raquel Bernal

Rectora (E) Universidad de los Andes

Hernando Barragán

Decano Facultad de Arquitectura y Diseño

Claudia Mejía

Directora Departamento de Arquitectura

Manuela Guzmán
Maarten Goossens


Daniela Alarcón

Coordinadora de eventos y educación continua

Andrea Amin

Coordinadora de comunicaciones

Valentina Osorio

Coordinadora de desarrollo

Adriana Páramo

Coordinadora de publicaciones

Catalina Villabona

Coordinadora de creación de contenidos

Verónica Arancibia
María Camila Páez

Diseño y finalización

Nasif Rincón

Desarrollo web

Martha Reyes

Corrección de estlio

Alejandro Barragán
María Camila Gómez

Producción audiovisual

Manuela Tafur



Producción y montaje

PC__print(“HelloWorld”)__Computational Design-Thinking: Scenarios

Stage 1: Based on the use of nature patterns, a spherical surface was made using centroids to generate 300,000 spheres, thus developing an organic geometry. The object ends up being a figure with a high degree of spatial plasticity where the geometry’s complexity and the material’s contrast are the main characters. The setting is a forest that has been burned in such a way that the smoky and foggy atmosphere makes the object blend into space and become part of the landscape.

Stage 2: A complex texturing and effect was applied to a geometry duplicated to generate symmetry. A pearlized material is added to give it an organic feel alluding to marine life. The object is implanted in the stage in such a way that it appears ass if it was part of the mountainous landscape. The object´s scale is defined from what would be an habitable space.

Acerca del proyecto:

Autores: Antonio Cortés, Juanita Echeverry
Contacto: j.echeverry@uniandes.edu.co
Profesor: Daniela Atencio

En la voz de los autores